Philipp Plein Copies Virgil Abloh's Louis Vuitton Keepall Bag

It is therefore important that you shop your vintage Keepall from a trusted supplier with a substantial history of dealing with vintage luxury. You already have read the whole guide which means that you already know the methods to tell a fake bag from the authentic ones. Pay closer attention to the little details such as font, zipper, hardware, serial number, and label. As we’ve said previously, we consider this being one of the most reliable spots to scan when checking the fake vs real LV Keepall bags.

This version of the Louis Vuitton Keepall collection is also a cabin-sized travel bag. This size is the ideal travel companion for a weekend away, if you ask us! We also saw people taking this size for transporting their small pet (how cute?). Look at how small the folded leather piece of the authentic handle is whereas it appears much larger on the fake bag. A few words on the stitching too- look at how neat the stitching is on the authentic handle, done with thick thread whereas on the fake bag it looks as if the stitches are going to come off any minute.

As far as I understand they put all those excessive care instructions on their products because many customers like to claim refunds or replacements when their bag is slightly damaged. Also, the scarce information on their website is due to an overwhelming number of factories working on replicating their products. The brand just doesn’t want to mke their job easier and hopes that their customers will trust them to make good stuff without knowing the details. This is what I know from being friends with a LV employee. That being said, I believe their bags are too overpriced and I am personally not a huge fan of the logo design, although I do have such a bag.

Thoughtful design and durable materials are the hallmarks of a Louis Vuitton bag. Keepall; being the unisex bag that's great as a carry-on for every trip, got iconic almost immediately. The Louis Vuitton Keepall bag is the all-time favorite for many celebrities and influencers across the world. The authentic scan shows you where and when your bag was made. The legit LV Keepall bag serial number seems to use a different font for the number “1” character compared to the one used on the replica bag.

This particular one was made in the US, and the workmanship is very neat and of high overall quality. The yellow contrast stitching looks nice; it’s doubled up so it won’t come apart, and it will likely last you for a while. It also comes with a nice leather luggage tag on the strap, and the stitch density is very consistent and good.

It’s also 31 centimeters tall and 24 centimeters wide. In inches, that means 21.7 inch long, 12.2 inches high, and 9.4 inches wide. That means it’s slightly shorter and slimmer than my brown leather weekender bag, but it’s also slightly taller and the capacity is about the same. It’s a good carry-on size so you won’t have to check your luggage, and you can still fit a decent amount of stuff in the bag. It seems to me that generally, Louis Vuitton makes their Keepall bags in France, Spain, and the US.

The main problem with the counterfeit Louis Vuitton Keepall bags’ size number is that this number is not centered in the middle of the leather part. Let’s also have a look at the Louis Vuitton Keepall real vs fake stitching used on the side of the bags. Besides, the authentic LV Keepall bag has the stitching on the leather hanger more wavy than the stitching on the fake bag. Then, to the middle hand-emoji pointer of the fake vs real LV Monogram Keepall, the flowers without the circle are, again, too big and too thick on the fake LV Monogram bags. Now, let us proceed to the next steps of the real vs fake Louis Vuitton Monogram/Damier Keepall bags. In order to check the authenticity of your Louis Vuitton Monogram/Damier Keepall bags, you can visit the Louis Vuitton website by clicking on this link.