Good estrogen metabolites increase and bad metabolites decrease. These include the 16-hydroxy estrogens, which can cause cancer. These are promoted by obesity and manmade environmental chemicals – the lead to weight gain, cancer and uterine cancer. Slow metabolism of estrogen will leave too much unmetabolised active estrogen known as estradiol in the body Estradiol in women – moodiness and breast painEstradiol in men – loss of sex drive DIM adjusts the balance of estradiol to its good metabolites How were the benefits of DIM discovered?A: Around 1990 a group of scientists were looking for a natural alternative for the prevention of breast cancer. H. Leon Bradlow, PhD and biochemist established a link between cruciferous indoles and better estrogen metabolism. Women and men who were prone to certain cancers have abnormal patterns of estrogen metabolism. When Indole-3-carbinol or I3C, a plant indol directly related to DIM was shown to correct this abnormal pattern of metabolism, the ‘cruciferous connection’ was established. It was discovered that in order to be active, two molecules of I3C had to ‘condense’ into a single molecule of DIM. This required stomach acid to occur, making I3C’s activity dependant on digestion. Later, DIM was shown to be the natural substance that actually promoted the beneficial shift in metabolism. These substances have been shown to prevent breast and uterine cancer in animals and cervical cancer. How much?A: 100mg is enough to show beneficial shift in metabolism. 100 – 200mg per day for women and 200 – 400mg per day for men. What else do the good estrogen metabolites do?Active release of stored fat – it has been known for some time that female marathon runners are better able to burn fat during a race than similarly trained men. This action has been related to higher levels of estrogen. It’s the good estrogen metabolites that are responsible for this more active release of stored fat from fat cells. So, maintaining an active production of these metabolites with DIM can make for a more active fat-burning metabolism, especially with exercise.
The help regulate cell growth, helping to get rid of damaged cells because they support the process of programmed cell death in which damaged cells are naturally eliminated from the body. Unlike unmetabolised estrogen, which can promote continued growth of abnormal cells, the good estrogen metabolites are powerful signals to trigger programmed cell death. A responsive and balanced hormonal system produces the most effective improvement with physical training. Higher levels of good estrogen metabolites, stimulated by DIM enhances testosterone levels for muscular growth. During the 7 years before menopause when hormones begin to falter, a reduced metabolism of estrogen may cause problems such as trouble sleeping or tender breasts. Sluggish estrogen metabolism can reduce the action of the small amount of testosterone present in women. Active testosterone in women is closely linked to positive mood, interest in sex and an active aerobic metabolism. Improving estrogen metabolism with DIM produces more ‘good’ estrogen metabolites, which compete with testosterone for protein binding, helping to maintain a slightly higher ‘free’ testosterone level. Free testosterone is testosterone that is more active. How does having slow estrogen metabolism affect men?A: Just as testosterone is normally present in women, small amounts of estrogen are normally present in men. Though testosterone is the dominant hormone in men, the presence of estrogen can be significant if levels start to rise and thus upset the testosterone-to-estrogen ratio. In men, too much estrogen builds up in three common situations: obesity, excessive alcohol use, and smoking. Since estrogen cause the liver to produce more of the carrier protein for testosterone, which is known as sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), less free, or unbound, testosterone results. Low levels of free testosterone in men are associated with excess body fat, reduced sex drive, depression, and erectile dysfunction. Elevation in unmetabolised estrogen, measured in the blood as a high estradiol level, confirms a slow estrogen metabolism and has been associated in large studies with an increased risk of early heart attack and prostate gland enlargement. High levels of SHBG ‘lock up’ free testosterone, making it unavailable to support mood or metabolism.
Interestingly, unmetabolised estrogen is the body’s primary signal to increase the production and levels of the testosterone-binding protein. Low levels of free testosterone have been identified during perimenopause (the 7 years building up to menopause) and are most dramatic in women with severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms. AGE RELATED REDUCED LEVELS OF FREE TESTOSTERONE?Since DIM promotes a more active metabolism of estrogen, unmetabolised estrogen levels fall and the 2-hydroxy estrogens increase. The 2-hydroxy estrogens possess the unique ability to displace testosterone from SHBG and set if free. Therefore, the combined effect of DIM to reduce unmetabolised estrogen and increase 2-hydroxy estrogens can reduce elevations in SHBG and allow for more free testosterone. Both of these changes help maintain and restore a youthful balance between estrogen and free testosterone. This balance is a key to a healthy and active metabolism. WEIGHT LOSS?The good estrogen metabolites along with increased free testosterone promoted by DIM increase fat mobilisation and a fat-burning metabolism. The effects of free testosterone in women and men are similar. In each case, testosterone promotes the building of new protein. When hormonal balance shifts to favour building new proteins, metabolic rate is increased and fat metabolism is promoted. Part of the protein-building effect of testosterone is to gear up the cellular enzymes needed to burn fat. Fat contains the stored energy needed to support formation of new proteins a well as the fuel for sustained aerobic exercise. Together with exercise, DIM provides the best hormonal balance to create the protein machinery for active fact utilisation. Good estrogen metabolites help release stored fat by:
they assist catecholamines that are produced during exercise to release stored fatincrease number of protein receptors that appear on fat cells. The catecholamines occupy these receptors and stored fat is more actively released.Bad estrogen metabolites are not bound by SHBG and can damage DNAGood estrogen metabolites reduce cell division of abnormal cells. Similar to house cleaning a process called apoptosis. It’s like natural low level chemoGood estrogen metabolites exert antioxidant effects and reduce free radical damage. High SHBG = low free testosteroneHigh SHGB = estrogen excess (from oral contraceptives, HRT) Good estrogen metabolites are the only known natural metabolites of any hormone to have a greater affinity for testosterone-binding proteins than testosterone. Even tiny amounts of free testosterone are capable of influencing mood and behaviour since the brain is home to a multitude of hormone receptors that can be influenced by testosterone. The same applies to fat cells, where testosterone is able to induce more of a response to the signals that release stored fat. DIM doesn’t cause excessive T elevation – so it’s very safe for women. DIM helps to eliminate active estrogen from the male body by promoting its conversion into the good estrogen metabolites. These metabolites then free up testosterone by bumping it off the testosterone-binding proteins. The end result is a healthier balance of testosterone to estrogen and more free testosterone circulating in the body. Optimum hormone balance for men is defined by strong testosterone activity and the lowest possible level of unmetabolised estrogen. Lose of efficient estrogen metabolism in middle-aged men has been attributed to various causes including regular alcohol use, obesity, zinc deficiency, and exposure to drugs or environmental chemicals that slow estrogen metabolism. Obesity is accompanied by the vicious cycle of increased conversion of testosterone into estrogen by enzymes within fat cells that lead to higher estrogen levels. This in turn provokes further weight gain. As men become overweight due to overeating and a lack of exercise, estrogen production increases more. Obesity increases estrogen accumulation in addition to increasing the risk of both heart disease and prostate cancer.
Estrogen accumulation causes a rise in testosterone-binding protein and a loss in free testosterone. One study found a dramatic age-related accumulation of estrogen in prostate gland tissue. DIM can promote the conversion of estrogen into metabolites that are known to protect the prostate gland from unwanted estrogen stimulation Free T = better mood, support memory, eliminate depression, more interest in sex, longer lasting erections, improved cardio health High estrogen = possible heart attack at young age, over active blood clotting similar to birth control pills or HRT Good estrogen metabolites prevent oxidation of lipoproteins needed to carry fat in the blood. This oxidation can be part of the cause of laying down of atherosclerosis. WHAT DOES UNMETABOLISED ESTROGEN MEAN FOR PROSTATE GLAND HEALTH? Another problem associated with elevated estrogen levels in men is abnormal growth of the prostate gland. Though this growth, which is known as benign prostatic hypertrophy, is often attributed to testosterone, estrogen is just as powerful a growth promoter. This has been proved in studies where the level of circulating estrogen has been the best predictor of the degree of enlargement of the prostate gland.
Even more impressive is research showing that unmetabolised estrogen accumulates in prostate tissue in men as they age. Exposure of human prostate tissue to unmetabolised estrogen in the laboratory did indeed result in activation and increased production of prostate specific antigen protein (PSA). The PSA protein level in men’s blood is now used as a screening test to determine the severity of prostate enlargement or to determine the chance of prostate cancer. Recent studies also have shown that estradiol, the active form of estrogen, causes the prostate gland to increase its production of prostate specific antigen (PSA). Increased PSA production, however, can be inhibited by the ‘good’ estrogen metabolites promoted by DIM. This indicates that ‘good’ estrogen metabolites are more beneficial for prostate health than unmetabolised estrogen like estradiol.
Various supplements, including DIM, can now be used to reduce the risk of prostate enlargement and promote a healthy prostate. Optimum testosterone-to-estrogen hormonal balance achieved wit the use of DIM can help to preserve a youthful urinary tract, prevent age-related prostate growth, and perhaps reduce the risk of prostate cancer. How does better estrogen metabolism result in improved fat metabolism? A: DIM reduces the levels of estradiol, or active estrogen, by promoting its conversion into ‘good’ estrogen metabolites are fat burners. They promote fat loss by interacting with your natural fat-mobilizing system of hormones known as the catecholamines. Catecholamines include epinephrine and norepinephrine and are familiar to us as the fight-or-flight hormones. In addition to that function, catecholamines act to release stored fat. The ‘good’ estrogen metabolites slow the natural breakdown of catecholamines, thus increasing the amount of time during which they can release fat. In addition, the ‘good’ estrogen metabolites increase the number of catecholamine receptor proteins on cells, which provides for an even greater release of fats in response to catecholamines. During exercise, high levels of catecholamine translate into more fat burned and the potential for more intense, sustained workouts.
When DIM is used, a second important fat-burning shift in metabolism also occurs-an increase in free testosterone and, consequently, an increase in the testosterone-to-estrogen ratio. Studies have found that men with the highest testosterone-estrogen ratios have the lowest amount of abdominal fat, and that the testosterone-to-estrogen ratio is more important in predicting obesity that is the total level of testosterone. In addition, in studies where natural testosterone replacement was given to men who were normal except for low testosterone levels, dramatic reductions in body fat were seen. A hormonal balance favouring testosterone over estrogen resulted in more efficient fat loss together with gains in lean muscle.