The Aloe Ferox used in our juice is 100% Natural and Certified Organic

The Aloe Ferox used in our juice is 100% Natural and Certified Organic. It comes from the last wild Aloe variety that grows in the natural and wild environment of the untamed Cape region in South Africa.Unlike most Aloe Vera products, our Aloe Ferox juice never has to be filtered, concentrated or diluted in anyway and thus retains all the naturally present active ingredients. Being totally natural, it contains no pesticides or preservatives.

- 100% Fresh, Certified Organic, Unfiltered Juice- The taste of the cloudy juice is neutral and pleasant(Vera has more of a pharmaceutical taste due to the aloin content)- Immune and digestive support- High in polysaccarides- Considerably higher in iron and calcium than Aloe Vera - Rich in natural occurring enzymes- Packed in a protective dark blue glass bottle to prevent oxidation- No Fillers, No Stabilisers, No PreservativesWhat Are The Key Differences In Ferox And Vera?Most if not all Aloe Vera producers filter or chemically neutralise their product to remove the 'aloin' content which originates from the leaf of the plant.

Aloin in small doses can help with skin related problems but in larger quantities and taken internally can be responsible for a number of complaints including abdominal pains, diarrhoea and even haemorrhoids.

The Aloe Vera pulp, (the middle white part of the plant), is very soft. The aloin from the outer leaves of the plant penetrates into the white pulp.

As Ferox is physically a much stronger plant the middle of the plant is equally robust and does not allow any aloin to enter.

This is the reason Ferox does not need to be filtered and retains all the naturally present active ingredients, such as polysaccharides, many of which are lost in Vera through filtration.

Chemical neutralisation is often chosen by Aloe Vera producers as an alternative to filtration. This is also an inferior option. Neutralisation is an unnatural process and leaves unwanted residuals in the juice.

Aloe Vera is also commonly dried into a powder concentrate. Again this can be seen as a poorer substitute for fresh juice.

Most if not all Vera producers add unnatural preservatives to their products. The most common of these are; Potassium Sorbate, Sodium Benzoate and Sorbic Acid.

Kiki's Ferox juice contains no unnatural ingredients. It is preserved with 2% naturally occurring Acerola Cherry, (natural vitamin C.)

Many Vera Juices on the market today are generally packed in white plastic bottles. These types of bottles do not protect the juice sufficiently. Plastic bottles also contain residues such as Bethanol A.

Our Aloe Ferox is packed in a dark blue glass bottle. This avoids such residues and any oxidation effects that may occur.Additional properties in Ferox unavailable in Vera:

The high count of Polysaccharides in Ferox means it is possible to effectively eliminate heavy metals from the body by drinking 150ml of the juice for 60 days. This is quicker and safer for the body than most other alternative methods.

Ferox also contains a high number of low-molecular polysaccharides, which have a pre biotic effect on the bowel flora. By aiding nutrition they bring about an increase of useful bacteria within the bowel.

Polysaccharides support and maintain the immune and digestive system.What are the exact ingredients in Aloe Ferox Juice?Fresh extracts of Aloe Ferox - 98%, Powder of Acerola Cherry: 2% Contains no pesticides or perservatives. 100% wild grown and Certified Organic.What is the suggested usage for Aloe Ferox Juice?Use: around 2 Tbs pure or blended with fruit juice. To consume preferably before meals. For maximum results use alongside Kiki's other Aloe ferox products.